Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bedtime Self-Hypnosis Success Programming



And make yourself comfortable

Ready to drift into a deep refreshing sleep

As your mind reflects on the day

Thoughts can be thought

But you don’t have to think them

Just let your mind wander

Let my words over you

Like waves on a seashore

Let stresses unwind

And release

As your muscles relax

As your mind relax

Allow the muscles at the side of your eyes

To relax

The muscles at the side of the mouth

Your chest


The stomach


Your legs

Your feet


Your shoulders


Your arms


Your hands


As you drift into a peaceful reverie

You know deep down that all is well

And you’ve learned so much

From this

And your mind is processing that information

Is so many helpful ways

Only at a rate and speed

That’s appropriate for you

As you give thanks for the day

All its unique moments

And think about

What’s really good in your life

You are learning easily

You love and approve of yourself

You are becoming more responsible

The universe supports you

You might dream about everything being all right


Exactly as it should be


How good it feels

To be in this good time

Letting it encode

Deep into your neurology

Maybe your mind takes you through your ideal day

You have confidence

You like yourself even more

You might dream of your ideal self

Take joy in so many things

Conversations with friends



Feelings of pleasurable ecstasy

Deep within you

Is more strength

More spirit

More power

Then your everyday mind ever dreams of

And hear

You can soak up that inner strength



And determination

You are unique

There is no one

Who can do things exactly the way you do them

You have your own unique and special gifts to give to the world

You are being brought together with great opportunities that will give you success

You are attractive people and situations that will help you

As you breath out

Breath out tension and stress

And move deeper into your awareness of this present moment

As you breath in

Strengthen and confidence


Your body has all it needs to feel calm


And at ease

You have this calm always within you

You will enjoy deep refreshing sleep

Your unconscious mind might find it helpful

To go through your day

You love and accept yourself unconditionally

You are a responsible person

You choose worthwhile goals for yourself

You are motivated by your life’s purpose

You look after your health

You find it easy to forgive others when its appropriate

You let go of resentment or guilt

Are you are free


Many people find it extremely helpful

To have an attitude of gratitude

To give thanks for all the good things in your life

Feel grateful

As many different things might come to mind

Maybe friends

Or family

The life you lead

The things your know

Your good health

Or many other good things in your life

Today’s gratitude buys tomorrows happiness

All is well

You release the day

Knowing that tomorrow will take care of itself

When you awake tomorrow

You will be filled with optimism and energy

Knowing that ahead is filled with opportunities

You will think about all that is good as you awaken in the morning

Refreshed and alert

Re-charged and filled with motivation

About the day ahead

You love and accept yourself

Just the way you are

Wealth and prosperity flows to you


Yourself esteem increases every day

You are a secure




And lighthearted person

You trust in the process of the life

You love and accept yourself just the way you are

You love and support yourself

You exude love and abundance

You are at one with all things

You go into flow states

Easily and naturally

You absorb yourself with activates the feels appropriate


And life enhancing

You choose to enter the flow state

By enjoying more of what you do everyday

Every small daily activity can be a flow-full occasion

You experience more and more time and situations where flow becomes useful and appropriate

While dreaming you piracies and incorporate your learning and experience

To help your life

Flow more smoothly

With each breath

Your reminded with your connection flow

You can create state of wealth

By remembering other times when you felt wealthy

Or just pretend you are extremely wealthy

Like an actor playing a part

Because as you pretend

It begins to become true

You can walk down the street feeling wealthy and prosperous

And enjoy the positive aspects of how

People treat you differently

You can do this everyday

You resonate wealth



Cheerful happiness

Because the predominates of your thoughts are positive

Money flows to you easily

You are an infinite source of abundance

All your needs are met

As the beauty of each day unfolds

You know you are wealth

You are grateful for all the wealth and prosperity in your environment

You feel good

And life is good

You put creative energy into your work

That comes back to you multiplied

Its ok to be wealthy

You embrace every success

For a long path to greater happiness

Your unconscious mind process the suggestions and messages in my words

In ways that help you most

You’re surprised by your own ingenuity

The amazing power of your unconscious mind


You deserve to do well

You are successful

You can do it

Your great

You’re a good person

People really like you

You love and approve of yourself

You are a responsible person

You learn easily

Your kind and loving towards yourself and others

Your self esteem increases every day

Cuz your enjoy life

You will come the person you’d ideally like to be

Feel that amazing difference

And get used to it

You accept yourself as always good enough

You express yourself easily and confidently

You are open to receiving the abundant wealth of the universe

You can overcome problems easily

Your mind will generate creative ways to overcome obstacles

Because you begin to see yourself as a resourceful

Capable person

You enjoy challenges

You realize they make you stronger

And wiser

You get sooo much value

From your achievements

You know

Deep inside you

That you are hear

Todo something wonderful

With your life

You are an exceptional person

How good do you feel knowing this to be true

In future

When its appropriate

If you feel bad about anything

You’ll stop

And ask yourself

What were you feeling bad about

Take the appropriate action

And refocus your mind on things that make you feel good

Really good

This will happen automatically

And the more your mind does this

The more it becomes your nature

To be truly positive

You are going to be a happy person

For the rest of your life

You choose to dwell on your positive characteristics

And let go of the negative beliefs and stresses

All is well

All is well

All is well

All is well

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