Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Survive Giving Speaches: What You Need To Know

7 Public Speaking Survival Tips

I used to be terrified of public speaking - now it's natural and fun.

Dry mouth, fast heart, sweaty palms, blank mind - yeah I've been there! It's easy to fear public speaking. But I was never just content with overcoming fear. I wanted to be a great speaker. What I needed was a way of calming down and applying simple techniques and strategies to talk like a pro.

When I'd learned to relax (more of that later) I learned and applied the following four steps.

  1. Reassure your audience - they need to know you know your stuff and you are human!
  2. Hook them by being interesting and relevant. Tell them why what you are saying is relevant to them.
  3. Inspire them by giving them information and ways of seeing that are new and applicable.
  4. Leave them on a high by telling a story them encapsulates your central message.

How do you become confident enough to apply the four steps?

Here's some tips some of which are practical some of which are to do with the way you think about your public presentations and also how you can start to change the way you feel about them.

Tip One

Breath your way to calm. When you breath out you relax that's why people sigh when they're stressed.

Breathing in without breathing out causes hyperventilation and worsens anxiety. Just before your speech take five minutes breathing in to the count of seven and out to the count of eleven (quick count-not seconds!). On the out breath hold it a second before breathing in again. This will produce quick and lasting calm. Remember extending the out breath calms you down.

Tip Two

You have a responsibility as the presenter but relax you don't carry all the responsibility. Presenting is a team effort. Audiences are responsible for politeness, extending their attention and attempting to learn. It's not all you-it's a meeting of two halves. Never mind how they judge you. How do you judge them?

Tip Three

Use metaphor and stories. We all experience life metaphorically. The most technical logical person spends at least two hours a night dreaming! Talk detail if necessary but present patterns with metaphors. Folk from 4 to 104 love stories. Use em.

Tip four

Captivate attention by using words that evoke all the senses. Describe how things look, sound, feel, smell and taste. Paint pictures and sensations in their minds with your words.

Tip Five

Vary your voice tonality and speed of delivery. Keep them alert and engaged. Convey energy when need be and slow down when you need to 'draw them in close.' You are the conductor to their orchestra. And pepper your talk with humour. Your willingness to be funny shows personal confidence and confidence is contagious.

Tip Six

Tell them what they are going to get. What they are currently getting and then what they have got from you. Sell your sizzle!

Tip Seven

Watch and learn from other great speakers until compelling, relaxed speaking is a part of you.

Rehearse positively. You need to rehearse how your going to feel as well as what you are going to present. Don't think about your forthcoming presentation whilst feeling nervous as this creates an instinctive association between fear and presenting. This natural negative self-hypnosis is very common with nervous speakers.

Hypnotically rehearse your speech whilst feeling relaxed. This produces the right 'blueprint' in your mind. In fact when you do this enough times it actually becomes hard to be nervous!

All great speakers know how to use great self-hypnotic rehearsal. Hypnosis changes attitudes and can bring emotion under control. I used hypnosis, to change my instincts around public speaking. Now I just can't get nervous whether it's 50 or 500 people. The world needs great communicators. Go for it!

Cure your fear of public speaking at HypnosisDownloads.com

Article by Mark Tyrrell of Hypnosis Downloads.com.

Learn How To Master Conversational Hypnosis

Friday, September 7, 2007

The Secret Reason Why Hypnosis is your Friend

Reassuring Reasons why Hypnosis is your Friend

Believe the hype or think for yourself

For too long hypnosis has had a bad or 'difficult' press. If a person doesn't understand something they have 3 options open to them.

1) They might be sceptical and therefore save the trouble of looking further and possibly benefiting.
2) They may conclude it is dangerous and to be avoided at all costs.
3) They may spend time discovering the truth behind the hype.

If you don't know much about a topic it's easy to be suspicious. Some people assume hypnosis is akin to a carnival side show, others consider it mystic mumbo jumbo or 'mind control.' For those who look beyond the hype the truth is far more illuminating.

The most powerful tool you possess

There are potentially huge benefits for those who use hypnosis as part of everyday life. When you understand hypnosis you start to see its potential to improve human performance in the physical, emotional and intellectual realms. For me, rumour, gossip and suspicion weren't good enough.

I determined to learn all I could about hypnosis - I learned every fact and practised every technique under the sun. I took several training courses - some good, some terrible. I invested thousands of hours of devoted study to hypnosis and discovered just what is possible. I hypnotised friends, neighbours and work colleagues. Hypnosis greatly changed things for me on a personal level

How hypnosis helped me

I used to be shy. Thanks to hypnosis I can now talk to thousands at a time and can approach anybody calmly and confidently.

I used to have poor concentration and procrastinate; thanks to hypnosis I can instantly motivate myself.

I used to find physical work outs and exercise exhausting but because of hypnosis I am now in the best shape of my life.

Incidentally I also stopped myself blushing with hypnosis. Now if ever I have a difficult call or conversation coming up, something I may naturally feel reluctant to do (you know the kind of thing) I spontaneously self hypnotise and rehearse the upcoming situation feeling good, with myself remaining calm. In this way I habitually set my own emotional 'blue prints' for up coming situations. Having said that it's naturally that some people have concerns or half digested 'hand me down' ideas regarding hypnosis. A common one is the one about 'mind control.' However what does this really mean?

Why you are more in control of yourself in hypnosis

If someone expresses concerns about being 'controlled' in hypnosis what they mean is they don't want to be like a robot, an automaton that is forced to obey the every whim of the hypnotist. We can't help but influence others but we don't control them. To understand why you need to understand hypnosis better.

So what is hypnosis like?

Hypnosis isn't like a coma. It's not unconsciousness - more a subtle shifting of consciousness. In hypnosis, you can still think logically but you also have access to the 'software' of your mind so that you can update instinctive emotional and physical responses. In fact the hypnotised subject (not the hypnotist) calls the shots. When I hypnotise someone I need to go at their speed and respond to their needs and expectations. Hypnosis will give you more control in your own life because of what it enables you to do.

How can I be so sure?

Because over the decades I've seen all kinds of people, all ages and from all backgrounds turn their lives around thanks to hypnosis. When you use hypnosis for yourself it improves confidence in all kinds of ways. When you use it to change other's lives it just blows you away. This is what I mean.

When I first hypnotised someone to feel no sensation in a painful arthritic arm it was an incredible feeling. When I first cured life long phobias quickly and comfortably I was astounded. When I stopped hardened alcoholics from drinking and even got a heroin addict off the stuff and back into mainstream life again I started to feel angry that people could just associate hypnosis with entertainment.

With the aid of hypnosis I (and many people I have trained and worked with) have helped severely depressed people feel strong and positive again. The rewards and satisfactions are hard to describe. I'm going to take a stand against ignorance and short sightedness around hypnosis and here's why.

Why you need to reclaim hypnosis for yourself

Hypnosis is your birthright. It's nature's optimum learning tool. In fact to learn and perform anything well you need to experience a natural focussing of attention, a natural kind of hypnosis. To be successful hypnosis needs to be your companion and friend.

Successful people use it naturally all the time because hypnosis is natural. It's the way we learn new responses. Unlike medications its side effects are purely positive - one expectant mother I worked with to feel relaxed during child birth later reported that she was also more relaxed when flying!

Hypnosis is easy to learn and every body can benefit. Hypnosis is a safe environment to 'try out' new behaviours and emotional patterns before you experience them for real. So the young man can ask a woman out for a date many times in calm relaxed hypnosis so that by the time he does it for real it feels real and natural and relaxed. Sports people who use hypnosis learn new quicker and more accurately. So hypnosis gives you more control of yourself and your life, it's natural and gives you instant benefits and it's a way of 'trying on' and establishing new patterns of emotional response and behaviour, Hypnosis enables you to develop yourself as a human being.

HypnosisDownloads.com offer a free course called 'Learn Hypnosis in 5 Days'.

Learn How To Master Conversational Hypnosis

Thursday, September 6, 2007

5 Hypnosis Myths Exploded

5 Hypnosis Myths Exploded

OVER the years, hypnosis has picked up all sorts of weird associations from stage hypnotists, the media and superstition. This is a great shame, because in reality, hypnosis is your single most effective tool for change. Hypnosis is your birthright, and you should know how to use it so it doesn't use you. Here we dispel the biggest hypnosis myths.

Hypnosis Myth 1) All hypnosis is the same

As with anything, hypnosis can be good, bad or indifferent. The most common is old-style authoritarian hypnosis of the type "You are getting sleepy, you are feeling confident". Unsurprisingly, this sort of hypnosis doesn't work well with many people. Good hypnosis uses subtle psychological principles and advanced communication patterns.

It's like the difference between a football coach who thinks you'll perform best if he yells at you, compared with the more elegant style of a great leader who knows that to get the best from his people, he needs to understand motivation, to cajole, encourage and reward.

Hypnosis Downloads.com offers hundreds of sessions using the best type of hypnosis.

Hypnosis Myth 2) Subliminals work

Subliminals are words that you can't hear. Common sense says they shouldn't work, and there's no research proving that they do.

Hypnosis Myth 3) Some people can't be hypnotized

The only reason you can't be hypnotized is if you are incapable of paying attention due to extremely low IQ or brain damage. That's not to say that every hypnotist can hypnotize you however. The more flexible the hypnotist, the more effective she will be with the largest number of people.

Hypnosis Myth 4) Hypnosis is something weird that other people do to you

If you couldn't go into hypnosis, you wouldn't be able to sleep, to learn, or get nervous through 'negative self hypnosis'. (You know when you imagine things going wrong and it makes you feel anxious? Well that's self hypnosis!)

Hypnosis is simply a deliberate utilization of the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) or dream state. We're not giving people medication here – if it wasn't a natural ability, hypnosis wouldn't work!

Hypnosis Myth 5) You lose control in hypnosis

Crazy news stories, stage hypnotists and gossip have created the illusion that you lose control in hypnosis. In fact, when hypnotized, you are relaxed and focused – and able to choose to get up and walk away at any time. You choose to give your attention to the hypnotist, and you can withdraw it at any time.

If you have been scared of hypnosis in the past, this article has hopefully convinced you to at least give it a try. But remember, ensure what you're getting is the real thing.

Learn How To Master Conversational Hypnosis

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Handshake Technique

"I'm going to shake your hand three times.
The first time your eyes will get tired. . . let them.
The second time, they'll want to close . . . let them.
The third time they will lock and you won't be able to open them . . .
Want that to happen, and watch it happen. . .
Now, one . . . two . . . now close your eyes . . . now three . . . and
they're locked and you'll find they just won't work, no matter
how hard you try. The harder you try, the less they'll work.
Test them, and you'll find they won't work at all . . . That's
right. Now, that's perfect eye-closure."

Learn How To Master Conversational Hypnosis

Hypnosis Do's and Dont's

There are certain things you should not do, at least at
the start. After three or four weeks have gone by, you can
forget these don'ts: Don't try to hypnotize your wife, or
members of your family, or friends you see socially; these
people know you are studying hypnosis, and will put up an
instinctive objection to becoming your guinea pigs. Don't
try to hypnotize people who "defy" you to put them into the
state; hypnosis is a consent state and, obviously, the person
who defies does not consent. Don't try to prove the value of
hypnosis to a skeptic; at this early stage, you will be arguing
from a position of weakness. Later on, when you know
enough about hypnosis, you can argue from a position of
It is also very important that you don't treat the subject
of hypnosis as a joke or a parlor game. Hypnosis is a scien-
tific study when it's properly conducted, and if you respect
hypnosis as you should, you will not use it for parlor tricks.
It has a great value in medicine. You must intend to use it
that way if you-and your patients-are to get the maximum
benefit from it.

Learn How To Master Conversational Hypnosis

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Eliminating Stress Strain And Frustration.

Follow these simple steps and you will find yourself
Ridding your body of any anxiety
You will find it neutralized in your mind
Dissolved and properly illuminated from your thoughts
A each time you do this process
You'll journey back through time
You will find each specific event where you felt fear
Each specific event where you found anxiety
Each and every time you sensed frustration
You will step out of the scene
You will allow the images there to be black and white
You will place them on a large picture frame
Where a black and white image will be formed
And you will stamp the picture with what you have learned from that lesson
For all situations
All circumstances
All encounter in the past were necessary and needed to bring you to the moment now
And right here, right now
You are eliminating any entanglements with the past.
Do this as often as you wish, with my blessing.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Napolean Hill's Famous Self-Confidence Formula

First. I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my Definite Purpose in life, therefore, I DEMAND of myself persistent, continuous action toward its attainment, and I here and now promise to render such action.

Second. I realize the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality, therefore, I will concentrate my thoughts for thirty minutes daily, upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to become, thereby creating in my mind a clear mental picture of that person.

Third. I know through the principle of auto-suggestion, any desire that I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression through some practical means of attaining the object back of it, therefore, I will devote ten minutes daily to demanding of myself the development of SELF-confidence.

Fourth. I have clearly written down a description of my DEFINITE CHIEF AIM in life, and I will never stop trying, until I shall have developed sufficient self-confidence for its attainment.

Fifth. I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon truth and justice, therefore, I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects. I will succeed by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use, and the cooperation of other people. I will induce others to serve me, because of my willingness to serve others. I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism, by developing love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success. I will cause others to believe in me, because I will believe in them, and in myself.

I will sign my name to this formula, commit it to memory, and repeat it aloud once a day, with full FAITH that it will gradually influence my thoughts and ACTIONS so that I will become a self-reliant, and successful person.

What is the Mind?

So, what is the thing we call the mind? You cannot see it, a doctor cannot tell you where it is, and yet we seem to need it.

The mind is not an entity; it is a system that gives order to our computer like brain. Without a systematic way of taking in and processing information, our lives would be out of control; nothing would make any sense at all.

How does this mind work? We have two areas of information storage and thought processing. We are totally aware of the first area. We call it our conscious mind. The information and processing in the second area is done below awareness and therefore we have no idea of what is happening in this part, known as the inner subconscious mind. This part of your mind thinks its in charge as this is where the journey to the center of your mind begins. Both parts of the mind system have very important duties.

There are four primary parts of the conscious mind, they are:

1. Analytical Thinking

2. Rational Thinking

3. Will Power

4. Temporary Memory

The analytical and rational thinking parts of our mind are used before and after we take action. We use analytical thinking to solve some problem and then take whatever action is necessary. Because we always need a reason for the things we do, if no analytical thinking was used before acting, rational thinking gives us a reason for doing what ever we have just done. Rational thinking gives us a reason that does not have any factual basis and therefore it is usually bad information but it is a reason and that is all we need.

Will Power thinking is very temporary and wears off with time.

Temporary memory is where we hold only the information that we are using now. If I ask you to think of a tree, a tree moves into the temporary memory and will stay there until it is no longer needed and then it just drops out of memory.

The inner subconscious mind is far more complex then its counterpart. Besides the following four duties, the inner subconscious mind monitors and controls all of our bodily functions. The center of your mind is what keeps your breathing, your heart and your eyes, continue to work automatically.

The four parts of the subconscious mind are:

1. Permanent Memory

2. Habits

3. Emotions

4. Self Preservation

Memory of everything that we have ever experienced, real or imagined is stored in the permanent memory area of the subconscious mind. Everything you've ever seen heard or felt, everything that has ever happened around you, your dreams, your past and your future are all stored there. Copies of these experiences can be brought to the temporary memory area of the conscious if you know how to open the door.

Habits are also in the area that is below awareness. That is why it is so difficult to alter habits with conscious effort (Such as with Will Power).

Our emotions are controlled from within the inner subconscious mind, at the center of your mind. Try as hard as you want you cannot alter your emotions with conscious effort. Some people find that they are able to hide an emotional reaction but they still feel it.

Fortunately, we have a part of the inner subconscious mind that monitors all our activity and will not allow us to do anything that this part of us feels could be harmful to us physically or mentally. This is called the protective mind or the critical factor, and it is what prevents you from taking the journey to the center of your mind with just Will Power. Understand that if our internal protective mind does not know that something is harmful, it will not stop us from doing it.

At a conscious level, we may know that we have certain bad habbits, but if the protective mind in the inner subconscious does not know it is unhealthy then we are able to continue anyway.

This is why there is only one thing that can prevent you from going into the beautiful state, known as center of your mind. That one thing is fear.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

You Must BE The Hypnotist

You must BE the hypnotist.

You never TRY to hypnotize, you just DO IT

If they does not go under, it is because they are not following your commands.

They MUST follow your every command.

If they says they cannot be hypnotized, you say that everyone can be hypnotized and that you have never met anyone you could not hypnotize.

Use presuppositions, like “When you go into trance!

This is the ONLY way it will work.

There is no MAYBE. There is only ONE WAY. This is a one way ticket guys. You’re going in and you’re going ALL the way in. There’s no turning back.

Use a hypnotic voice, not a monotonic voice.

Lower your voice (frequency, not volume) Speak deeply. Use a COMMANDING voice.

Use tonality congruent with where you want them to go.

BE the hypnotist. The rest will follow.

Hypnotic Ritual For The Ideal Self

The best way to benefit from this

Close your eyes right now

And I’d like you to imagine, or make a picture,

Of the you you’d like to be

How would you be standing

What would you be wearing

How would you be breathing

What kinds of beliefs does that person have

What kinds of things do they do

How do they deal with different types of situations

What kind of posture do they have

Are they holding their posture that way because they’re confident, because they’re relaxed

Whats behind that?

Whats inside of that ideal self?

Get the whole thing

Make it really VIVID in your mind

Now, what are some of the things that the ideal self would have been through to have that,

ideal self image

What are some of the experiences,

What are some of the beliefs

What are some of the learning’s that they could have had

And now that you have that image

It can be a very powerful icon for you

You can change it any time you want

You can go in and add things to it.

“There was this one thing, I didn’t even know I wanted back then”

plug it in, change their look, do whatever you want

And now what I’d like you tod is take that ideal self image and I want you to throw it up in the air

So far that you can’t even see it anymore

Its just a tiny dot

And now I want it to multiply into a million of them

And start falling down, all around you in every direction as far as you can see

Large, small, all sizes

Into your past,

Into your future

Above you,

Below you,


Falling down into every experience your going to have and every experience you have had, falling down and landing inside of you even

Just see that ideal self everywhere

As far as you can see

Everywhere you look you turn your head around and you can just see it on the horizon

All around you, falling, EVERYWHERE

That’s and exercise you an do for years

So When your happy about that one

Just satisfied that you’ve gotten everything you need to get from it

Just come back, open your eye’s

You can do that any time you want

Any situation you’re in, crowded bar, rock concert, whatever

Close your eyes, ideal image

Throw it out everywhere

See it everywhere

See it in a crowd

See it talking to the people

You can send it out and let it be a guide for you

Simple exercise

Whats interesting is, the more you do it the more like that you become

The more in your reality those things become

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Milton Model Ramblings

I’m wondering if you will read this entire letter

Maybe you’ll think of all the ways it will help you

You probably already know many ways this is benefiting you

Don’t read this again too quickly, just relax and follow the words for a while

Can you imagine all the ways where you would use this letter if you read it and really knew it?

One can, you, feel good about this for no reason at all

You might notice the feelings of comfort as you begin to relax your whole body

A person might, you, take the new lessons from this letter and then let go of the old ones

One could let this learning go to a very deep place inside, because you may not be completely aware of how import it is yet

You can use it and discover how powerful it is, because it is a great to learn ways to do new things

You can allow new answers to come to you, can you not?

I don’t know what things in particular you will enjoy the most

You might notice how good learning from this feels, when you follow the instructions

Will you get into the habit of doing what I say, or will you may begin to actually follow my lead.

I wouldn’t tell you to, and you can’t disagree with me, because I said up front I wouldn’t tell you

But how would it feel if you already used this letter everyday?

I could tell you that this experience will give you more confidence and self-assurance, but I would rather let you discover that for yourself. I could tell you that this is a great way to avoid resistance, but you probably understand that already.

Sooner or later you’re going to be able to look back on this and laugh about it.

And sometime, you’re going to feel better about this. Sometime you’re going to understand this from a viewpoint where it all makes sense.

Sometime you might indirectly imagine a time when you have the resources you want to feel.

Eventually you will develop a deep understanding for all of this and it will become second nature to you. Imagine that

Try to resist the learning’s and understanding as they go deeper inside you

You might not have noticed the way the chair supports you... beneath your legs beneath your arms… behind your shoulders

Some people have hidden strengths that they discover can help them in situations very much like yours.

Can you really enjoy this process? What happens when you do?


When you relax into trance

You get a release of endorphins

These are the body’s natural opiates

You release endorphins after physical exercise

Laughing a lot

Having sex or relaxing deeply into trance,

Now, you can, release endorphins

Any time want to, it’s easy

Just ask that part of you that’s in charge of your endorphins to

Give you an endorphin release, now

it can help you to remember times when you’ve released endorphins before

Make the image of those memories





Double that good feeling, notice where it starts

And spreads from and start it again

And again

Because endorphins are neurotransmitters

They create bonding in your brain

And they make you more intelligent

Now, when you awaken from trance, that feeling will stay with you

Metaphor For Growth And Change

Just as a gardener prepares the soil
Before he plants the seeds that grow to becomes
Day by day
Growing stronger
In the rain
And the sunshine
Growing with the changes of the seasons
Adapting to the changes happening

As you let your mind drift
And relax even more
Let us plant the seeds of learning and experience
Deep within your mind

Age Regression

For years now

Ever since

You were young

You’ve always learned

Many things


In many ways you realized how you learned it

And some you didn’t

In fact you don’t even know how you learned language

You just did

As a child

And that very process that children use

Sometimes as we get older

The door seems to close behind us

That doesn’t mean it can’t be opened up again

In fact, I want you to just realize

That when you were a child

When you first saw the task of writing

Letters and numbers of the alphabet

Just like when you first heard words


When you were even younger


You did not realize

That you were beginning the process

Of building a foundation

Of new learning’s

New understandings

That would become so automatic

Well you automatically to have your fears

You automatically to have your doubts

You automatically learrrrned

How to behave in ways that work

And some that don’t

But it is your neurology

You did learn it

And it doesn’t matter where

You don’t know where you learned which words of the English language

But you do know where

You use and understanding now

Even though you still don’t know

How you’re doing it

Suggestions Of Trance

The basis of learning the art of hypnosis is understanding suggestions and trance… Now, trance happens all the time, the most common ones are driving on the highway, waiting in an elevator, watching a movie in the theaters.. but what were doing here is purposefully learn how to go into a trance..

Sit up in your chair with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting in your lap. Separate your fingers so they do not touch. And just close your eye’s and take a deep breath.

And you may notice for example

That if you pay attention to your hands

That the weight of one hang is heavier then the other

And that the weight of the other hand is lighter

I don’t know if the right hand is lighter

Or if the right hand is heavier

Or if the left hand is heaver or lighter then the right

But you can know

That the hand that is heavier

Right now

Is the right hand to feel heavy

And that the other hand is left to feel


And you’ll notice how each word I saw takes you deeper into relaxation

How did that feel?

Finger-Lock Suggestibility Test

Allright, Here’s what were gona do

Take your hands and fold them together as if you are prying

Interlock fingers together and

Let your palms to press together as well

Now I want you to go ahead and take your two index fingers

And stick them streight in the air

And I want you to separate them about an inch, apart

And I want you to state directly at your finger tips

As you do this, I want you to imagine that your fingers start to come closer and closer

Together, just imagine your fingers start drawing closer and close together, so close that in your mind that you imagine that your fingers are now touching

Just imagine your fingers are touching, the closer they get the more they want to come together is if there’s magnets in the tips of your fingers bringing them closer and closer and closer together, until you imagine your fingers get so close that you just allow them to touch, as your finger touch together now, I want you to experience a sense of relaxation and pleasure that flows through your body.

Now with this suggestibility test, either your fingers moved, a little closer together, which means your more analytical, hypnosis will still work for you, you just need to listen to the suggestions, more frequently.

If your fingers moved closer together then you stopped them and started pulling them apart, that just means you had some resistance, maybe a little control issue? And that just means that as you learn how to get out of your own, you’ll be able to use your mind to really create some amazing results. And then for people who watched your fingers go right together, and you went “oh my goodness what just happened” that just means your very suggestible, which means the suggestions you decide to accept will work VERY well, for you.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Pre Talk About The Most Common Misconceptions

This is going to be fun.

Some people have concerns about hypnosis, so let me go over a few things most people are curious about.

There are six main fears people have around going into hypnotic trance. Here are the issues or questions the subject will be thinking about.

1. Will I remember everything that happened during the hypnotic session?

2. Can I get stuck in hypnosis?

3. Will I tell you something I don't want to tell you about my past?

4. How long will I be under?

5. Can I hear other things going on in the room while I am hypnotized?

6. Can you make me do something I don't want to do?

You will remember anything you wish to remember and forget anything you wish to forget .

You’ll be able to hear everything I say.

You wont’ become unconscious, but there will be changes.

Think of hypnosis as super concentration, because that’s exactly what it is..

Interestingly enough, weak minded people are of no use to the hypnotist, contrary to popular belief, you have to be highly focused and in control of your own mind to be hypnotized… simply put, all hypnosis is self hypnosis.

Bedtime Self-Hypnosis Success Programming



And make yourself comfortable

Ready to drift into a deep refreshing sleep

As your mind reflects on the day

Thoughts can be thought

But you don’t have to think them

Just let your mind wander

Let my words over you

Like waves on a seashore

Let stresses unwind

And release

As your muscles relax

As your mind relax

Allow the muscles at the side of your eyes

To relax

The muscles at the side of the mouth

Your chest


The stomach


Your legs

Your feet


Your shoulders


Your arms


Your hands


As you drift into a peaceful reverie

You know deep down that all is well

And you’ve learned so much

From this

And your mind is processing that information

Is so many helpful ways

Only at a rate and speed

That’s appropriate for you

As you give thanks for the day

All its unique moments

And think about

What’s really good in your life

You are learning easily

You love and approve of yourself

You are becoming more responsible

The universe supports you

You might dream about everything being all right


Exactly as it should be


How good it feels

To be in this good time

Letting it encode

Deep into your neurology

Maybe your mind takes you through your ideal day

You have confidence

You like yourself even more

You might dream of your ideal self

Take joy in so many things

Conversations with friends



Feelings of pleasurable ecstasy

Deep within you

Is more strength

More spirit

More power

Then your everyday mind ever dreams of

And hear

You can soak up that inner strength



And determination

You are unique

There is no one

Who can do things exactly the way you do them

You have your own unique and special gifts to give to the world

You are being brought together with great opportunities that will give you success

You are attractive people and situations that will help you

As you breath out

Breath out tension and stress

And move deeper into your awareness of this present moment

As you breath in

Strengthen and confidence


Your body has all it needs to feel calm


And at ease

You have this calm always within you

You will enjoy deep refreshing sleep

Your unconscious mind might find it helpful

To go through your day

You love and accept yourself unconditionally

You are a responsible person

You choose worthwhile goals for yourself

You are motivated by your life’s purpose

You look after your health

You find it easy to forgive others when its appropriate

You let go of resentment or guilt

Are you are free


Many people find it extremely helpful

To have an attitude of gratitude

To give thanks for all the good things in your life

Feel grateful

As many different things might come to mind

Maybe friends

Or family

The life you lead

The things your know

Your good health

Or many other good things in your life

Today’s gratitude buys tomorrows happiness

All is well

You release the day

Knowing that tomorrow will take care of itself

When you awake tomorrow

You will be filled with optimism and energy

Knowing that ahead is filled with opportunities

You will think about all that is good as you awaken in the morning

Refreshed and alert

Re-charged and filled with motivation

About the day ahead

You love and accept yourself

Just the way you are

Wealth and prosperity flows to you


Yourself esteem increases every day

You are a secure




And lighthearted person

You trust in the process of the life

You love and accept yourself just the way you are

You love and support yourself

You exude love and abundance

You are at one with all things

You go into flow states

Easily and naturally

You absorb yourself with activates the feels appropriate


And life enhancing

You choose to enter the flow state

By enjoying more of what you do everyday

Every small daily activity can be a flow-full occasion

You experience more and more time and situations where flow becomes useful and appropriate

While dreaming you piracies and incorporate your learning and experience

To help your life

Flow more smoothly

With each breath

Your reminded with your connection flow

You can create state of wealth

By remembering other times when you felt wealthy

Or just pretend you are extremely wealthy

Like an actor playing a part

Because as you pretend

It begins to become true

You can walk down the street feeling wealthy and prosperous

And enjoy the positive aspects of how

People treat you differently

You can do this everyday

You resonate wealth



Cheerful happiness

Because the predominates of your thoughts are positive

Money flows to you easily

You are an infinite source of abundance

All your needs are met

As the beauty of each day unfolds

You know you are wealth

You are grateful for all the wealth and prosperity in your environment

You feel good

And life is good

You put creative energy into your work

That comes back to you multiplied

Its ok to be wealthy

You embrace every success

For a long path to greater happiness

Your unconscious mind process the suggestions and messages in my words

In ways that help you most

You’re surprised by your own ingenuity

The amazing power of your unconscious mind


You deserve to do well

You are successful

You can do it

Your great

You’re a good person

People really like you

You love and approve of yourself

You are a responsible person

You learn easily

Your kind and loving towards yourself and others

Your self esteem increases every day

Cuz your enjoy life

You will come the person you’d ideally like to be

Feel that amazing difference

And get used to it

You accept yourself as always good enough

You express yourself easily and confidently

You are open to receiving the abundant wealth of the universe

You can overcome problems easily

Your mind will generate creative ways to overcome obstacles

Because you begin to see yourself as a resourceful

Capable person

You enjoy challenges

You realize they make you stronger

And wiser

You get sooo much value

From your achievements

You know

Deep inside you

That you are hear

Todo something wonderful

With your life

You are an exceptional person

How good do you feel knowing this to be true

In future

When its appropriate

If you feel bad about anything

You’ll stop

And ask yourself

What were you feeling bad about

Take the appropriate action

And refocus your mind on things that make you feel good

Really good

This will happen automatically

And the more your mind does this

The more it becomes your nature

To be truly positive

You are going to be a happy person

For the rest of your life

You choose to dwell on your positive characteristics

And let go of the negative beliefs and stresses

All is well

All is well

All is well

All is well

Hypnosis is a state of mind in which the critical faculty of the human mind is bypassed, and selective thinking established

"Hypnosis is a state of mind in which the critical faculty of the human mind is bypassed, and selective thinking established." The critical faculty of your mind is that part which passes judgment. It distinguishes between concepts of hot and cold, sweet and sour, large and small, dark and light. If we can bypass this critical faculty in such a way that you no longer distinguish between hot and cold, sweet and sour, we can substitute selective thinking for conventional judgment making.

Hypnosis works because the individual by selective thinking bypass the critical faculty. For example, if you are led to believe that you feel no pain, and you believe it completely, you will have no pain. Let the slightest doubt come in and the selective thinking vanishes: the critical faculty is no longer bypassed. Selective thinking vanishes not only when doubt enters the picture, hut when fear does.

Consent is imperative. You cannot impart a suggestion unless the subject is willing to take it. At all times and in all degrees of hypnosis, the subject has complete power of selectivity. He therefore reacts only to suggestion that are reasonable and pleasing to him... In every stage of hypnosis, the subject is in control and can select the suggestions he wishes to accept. If the crisis of an unwanted suggestion should arise, the subject will either arouse himself from the trance state or continue in it but simply refuse to act on the suggestion.

Under hypnosis, a person has control of more than his selectivity, or will power; they are in control of all their faculties except one. They can hear, see, feel, smell, taste, speak. Though he may sometimes look unconscious, he is completely aware and can therefore cooperate. The single exception to this control is what I call the critical facility. If you give a suggestion which pleases a person and which seems emotionally and morally reasonable, the person will accept it despite the fact that under ordinary circumstances they might consider it an impossible suggestion... But the critical faculty - the disbelief that such fantastic feats are possible - is bypassed in hypnosis.

The three requisites for hypnosis are: (1)
the consent of the subject; (2) communication between the operator and the subject, and (3) freedom from fear, or reluctance on the subject's part to trust the operator. Since these are the only requisites, there is no limit to the number of techniques that can be used to trigger the desired response; you might say that there is no way in which you cannot hypnotize a person once you know how to utilize suggestion.
Hypnosis gives off five signs. These sings are subtle, minute. If you don't know what to look for, the sings could be there without your detecting one of them. When you know hypnosis, however, you can spot all five signs at a glance. Here are the five signs of hypnosis, all of which you must carefully observe: (1) body warmth; (2) fluttering of the eyelids; (3) increased lacrimation; (4) the whites of the eyes getting red or pinkish; (5) the eyeballs going up into the head.

There is no such thing as a Hypnotist, You are never going to hypnotize anybody. All you can ever do and no one can do more, is to show a person how to go over the hurdle from a normal waking or sleeping state into the peculiar state of mind known as hypnosis. You won't hypnotize him. He'll hypnotize himself.

Let's state it another way: In hypnosis, the Body and Mind go into a state in which body and mind are equally suggestible. Remember, hypnosis has an effect not only on the conscious mind. but on the unconscious mind too. It has an effect on the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, when we take a person into the suggestible state and give him good dreams, his sensations upon awaking will be physical as well as mental. Physically he will be refreshed and invigorated. He will have had a pleasant experience.

You must experience it yourself to know how different it is from the things you've heard and read about it. To completely understand it you must do more than see it from the inside looking in You must also experience it from the inside looking out. You will find hypnosis a pleasant state and will probably want to try it. Instead of resisting and fighting it, as your knowledge increases and your fear decreases, and the fallacies about hypnosis are cleared up for you, you will reach the stage where you will not only want it for yourself, but you will be able to hypnotize yourself. There is no one who can't be hypnotized.

There is no such thing as you not being hypnotizable. A hypnotized person will not take a harmful suggestion. Since he can hear, and all his senses are particularly acute in the hypnotic state, the law of self-preservation governs him in it, just as it governs him out of it. That is why in the history of the world, no one has been injured by hypnosis.

We have conducted thousands of tests and in all cases one of two things happen if an improper suggestion is given: The subject either terminates the trance state, refusing the suggestion that way; or he remains in the trance state but refuses to carry out the suggestion.

Progressive Relaxation

Feel your body sooooo relaxed. Deeeeeeeeply relaxing. RELAXING your body completely. COMPLETELY relaxing your body. Deeeeeeeeply relaxing.

Feel the relaxation in your feet. COMPLETELY relaxing your feet. Feel the relaxation move UP your ankles and INTO your calves, relaxing EVERY muscle in your calves. RELAXING your calves compleeeeeeeeetely.

ComPLETELY relaxing your calves. relaxing your calves completeeeeeeeeeetely.

FEEL the relaxation move UP your knees, and INTO your thighs, relaxing EVERY muscle in your thighs. RELAXING your thighs compleeeeeeeetely.

(Hips, stomach, back, chest, shoulders, upper arms, forearms, hands, neck, face)

relaxing EVERY muscle in your face. RELAXING your face compleeeeeeetely.

RELAXING your mind completely. COMPLETELY relaxing your mind.

DEEPLY relaxing your mind. deeply relaxing your mind. Leaving your mind feel SO relaxed, so peaceful, so quite, so serene. relaxing your mind COMPLETEEEEEETELY. DEEPLY relaxing your mind.

Deeeeeeeeeep relaxing sleep. DEEEEEEEEEP relaxing trace.

Going DEEPER and DEEEPER and deeeeeeeper into trance. Deep relaxing sleep. DEEP relaxing trance. Deeeeeeeeep relaxing sleep.

THE SOUND OF MY VOICE sends you DEEEEEEPER, and deeper, and deeeeeeeper into trance.

DEEP relaxing sleep. DEEEEEEEEP relaxing trance. Deeeeep relaxing sleep.

SO restful, SOOOOO peaceful. Deeeeep relaxing sleep. DEEEEEEEP relaxing trance.

Deeeeeeeeep relaxing sleep. DEEEEEEEP relaxing trance. Deep relaxing trance. Deeeeeeeeep relaxing sleep.

Pure Suggestions

1. Every day in every way I am becoming better and better.
2. My ability to succeed is unlimited.
3. I exercise daily and love it.
4. I am becoming more alive in the morning and I love it.
5. I notice others more and enjoy paying them sincere compliments.
6. I am becoming more self-assured and more self-confident each day.
7. My self- confidence is increasing by leaps and bounds.
8. My memory is improving steadily every day.
9. My retention span is steadily increasing.
10. When I am studying, my mind works clearly and sharply and I retain that which I learn.
11. When I am studying, I am fully absorbed and completely engrossed.
12. Whatever I learn will be easily and readily recalled.
13. In selling, I am developing more enthusiasm every day.
14. My work output is steadily increasing.
15. I can speak on my feet and the thoughts flow freely through my mind.
16.I am deriving pleasure and excitement from dealing with others.
17.I am becoming more interested in other people and events outside my life.
18.I am developing more energy and vitality every day.
19. When I bike (activity, ETC.) my mind is fully absorbed and completely engrossed in what I am
20.I get more filling satisfaction from less food every day.
21.I find myself eating slower and tasting food more.
22.I eat only at mealtimes, sparingly and properly.
23.I find "X" number of cigarettes a day more than enough for me.
24. At the end of the day, I am still fresh, energetic and full of vitality.
25.I am becoming a worthwhile and interesting person; I have much to offer.
26.I am completely relaxed when I interact with others.
27.I am becoming more assertive and can stand up for myself.
28.I take great pleasure in doing the things that I want to do.
29.I find happiness in life and I am enjoying myself more.
30.I can change my life to any direction that I desire.
31. Through relaxation, I find I control myself to a greater degree.
32. My self-hypnosis exercises are creating the changes that I desire.
33.1 find that I am gaining my goals through self-hypnosis.
34. There is only one of me, I am unique, and I am pleased with myself.
35.I relax easily outside my house and with others.
36.I am a non-smoker and will remain a non-smoker for the rest of my life.
37. Cigarettes are poison to me and I reject poison in all its forms.
38.I am a non-drinker and will remain a non-drinker for the rest of my life.
39. Alcohol is poison to me and I reject alcohol in all its forms.
40. Every day I remain on this job I am better prepared for the future.
41.I am a success and achieve my goals.
42.I am always prepared and will succeed.
43.I am confident about losing weight.
44.I have decided to become thin and attractive.
45.I get full quickly.
46. Sugar is poison to me and I reject all poison.
47. Smoking stinks and does not interest me.
48. My mind absorbs like a sponge and I recall for tests easily.
49.I remember the right answers for tests.
50.I sleep like a baby every night.
51.I face difficulties and conflicts calmly and powerfully and deal easily with them.
52. The past is dead and I am free.
53. Drugs are dumb and disgust me.
54. My energy is boundless and I feel alive.
55.I avoid sugar, coffee, alcohol and tobacco.
56.I am a great time manager.
57.I receive love by giving love.
58.I look to the future with a bright, positive and confident attitude toward myself.
59. Every day I will act like the person I want to become.
60.I will develop a strong, healthy and positive attitude toward myself.
61. Forgiveness is the eraser of guilt and fear and I am forgiven.
62.I forgive all those people of my past who have ever hurt me in any way and I am free.
63.I am alive, happy and free.
64.I love life and look forward to each day with excitement.
65.I forgive you (name) and set you free.
66. When I am faced with or confronted with ________ , all the material that I have
learned, read, or heard flows freely and easily through my mind and is easily recalled.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Self Hypnosis Deepening

Whenever you enter this state, you allow yourself to go back into the same beautiful state that

you are now in. Each time allowing yourself to go back deeper, each time enjoying it more and

more, feeling terrific in every way. Whenever you enter this state, the instant you close your

eyes, you mentally reach up and turn your light switch into the off position. When that switch is

in that off position, all electricity flowing from your brain to your body becomes disconnected.

Your muscles become instantly calm, very deeply relaxed and you allow the sound of my voice

to guide you deeper into relaxation.

Following my suggestions guides you deeper into relaxation. The deeper you go into

relaxation the better you feel, and the better you feel the more and more your body relaxes with

just wonderful feelings going through your body and happy thoughts going through your mind.

So relax, and let yourself go. Now I want you to relax still more to a deeper state of relaxation.

Much more relaxed. So again I'll count from five down to one and as I count from five down to

one, your body will double the relaxation you have right now, automatically. 5...relaxation

starting to double. 4...relaxation doubling more and more. 3...Very comfortable very relaxed.

2...relaxation is now almost doubled in your body. 1...relaxation now has doubled in your body

from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Every fiber, every tissue, every organ, every

gland every part of you has doubled in its relaxation. You feel fine.

I want you to imagine, or visualize, in front of you is a long staircase that is leading down into

relaxation. We have never found a basement, a bottom of a person's ability to relax. It's endless.

Every breath that you exhale takes you down another step on this staircase of relaxation.

Every breath takes you deeper into an endless state of relaxation. You drift down feeling

wonderful, feeling comfortable. relax and let yourself go. Just relax and let yourself go. I still

want you to relax to a much more relaxed state. Already with your light switch in the off

position, every muscle becomes dormant, quite unable to move. Again I will count, but this time

from ten down to one. As I count from ten down to one, your conscious mind will relax as much

as your body is relaxed and your mind and body will double the relaxation that it has at that time

on each and every count. 10...Your mind is as relaxed as the body is relaxed and the body is

doubling it's relaxation. 9...The mind is relaxed as the body is relaxed, and the body is doubling

it's relaxation again. 8...Mind relaxed as the body is relaxed and the body again is doubling the relaxation it has at this time. 7...The same thing. 6...Keep right on going now.

5...4...3...2...1...Mind relaxed as the body is relaxed and your body has doubled its relaxation

many times over.

By relaxation I mean the absence of all contractions. Your body is loose, limp and

motionless. Your muscles offering no resistance just as if you were a rag doll. Complete

relaxation means the absence of all movement. It means the complete absence of holding any

part of your body rigid. So as you are completely relaxed, all the muscles attached to your bones

are limp. If you make any voluntary movements you can only do so by contracting some group

of muscles, but when you allow these muscles to become completely dormant, your nerves are

completely inactive. And its certain that complete relaxation in any set of nerves simply means

zero activity in these nerves. And it is physically impossible for you to be nervous in any part of

your body. You're feeling better than you've felt in a long time. Outside noises will not distract

you. Anything you may hear will only assist you in relaxing more and more deeply and you do

go deeper. With every breath, down another step on that endless staircase of relaxation. The

sound of my voice keeps guiding you deeper into relaxation.

Following my suggestions keeps guiding you into deeper relaxation. And the more and more

you allow your body to relax the better you feel and the better you feel the more your mind and

body will relax. You have complete control over every nerve in your body, control over your

whole nervous system, and you drift much deeper, much deeper into relaxation.

And now there is only three more levels of relaxation for you to go into now. Level A, level

B and level C. Now to accomplish these levels, you must know it will work, let it work. You

can feel it working, feel it working as if you are going down an escalator to deeper levels at all

times. So now I want you to go from where you are to level A, ten times deeper. You know it

will work, let it work. Feel it working, feel yourself sinking down to level A as if you're going

down an escalator. Very good. Now I want you to go from level A to level B. Again you know

it will work, let it work. Feel it work as if you're going down an escalator from level A to level

B, ten times deeper, automatically going down. Very good.

Now I want you to go from level B to level C, your basement of relaxation today. You know

it will work, let it work. Feel it work. Feel yourself sinking down many times deeper to level C.

That's fine.

Now with your light switch in the off position, shutting down the electricity to every muscle in

your body, I want you to try to lift your right leg, (5 second pause), stop trying. And Let your

body go much deeper. Now I want you to try and lift your left leg, (5 second pause), stop trying

and let your body still go deeper. Now I want you to try and lift your right arm, (5 second

pause), stop trying and let your body still go deeper. All the way down to the very bottom of

relaxation where you will be so peaceful, happy and content. Everyday you will feel better and

better, happier and happier and more contented. Each time you enter this beautiful state of

relaxation, you'll go much deeper than the time before.