Thursday, July 19, 2007

Napolean Hill's Famous Self-Confidence Formula

First. I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my Definite Purpose in life, therefore, I DEMAND of myself persistent, continuous action toward its attainment, and I here and now promise to render such action.

Second. I realize the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality, therefore, I will concentrate my thoughts for thirty minutes daily, upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to become, thereby creating in my mind a clear mental picture of that person.

Third. I know through the principle of auto-suggestion, any desire that I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression through some practical means of attaining the object back of it, therefore, I will devote ten minutes daily to demanding of myself the development of SELF-confidence.

Fourth. I have clearly written down a description of my DEFINITE CHIEF AIM in life, and I will never stop trying, until I shall have developed sufficient self-confidence for its attainment.

Fifth. I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon truth and justice, therefore, I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects. I will succeed by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use, and the cooperation of other people. I will induce others to serve me, because of my willingness to serve others. I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism, by developing love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success. I will cause others to believe in me, because I will believe in them, and in myself.

I will sign my name to this formula, commit it to memory, and repeat it aloud once a day, with full FAITH that it will gradually influence my thoughts and ACTIONS so that I will become a self-reliant, and successful person.

What is the Mind?

So, what is the thing we call the mind? You cannot see it, a doctor cannot tell you where it is, and yet we seem to need it.

The mind is not an entity; it is a system that gives order to our computer like brain. Without a systematic way of taking in and processing information, our lives would be out of control; nothing would make any sense at all.

How does this mind work? We have two areas of information storage and thought processing. We are totally aware of the first area. We call it our conscious mind. The information and processing in the second area is done below awareness and therefore we have no idea of what is happening in this part, known as the inner subconscious mind. This part of your mind thinks its in charge as this is where the journey to the center of your mind begins. Both parts of the mind system have very important duties.

There are four primary parts of the conscious mind, they are:

1. Analytical Thinking

2. Rational Thinking

3. Will Power

4. Temporary Memory

The analytical and rational thinking parts of our mind are used before and after we take action. We use analytical thinking to solve some problem and then take whatever action is necessary. Because we always need a reason for the things we do, if no analytical thinking was used before acting, rational thinking gives us a reason for doing what ever we have just done. Rational thinking gives us a reason that does not have any factual basis and therefore it is usually bad information but it is a reason and that is all we need.

Will Power thinking is very temporary and wears off with time.

Temporary memory is where we hold only the information that we are using now. If I ask you to think of a tree, a tree moves into the temporary memory and will stay there until it is no longer needed and then it just drops out of memory.

The inner subconscious mind is far more complex then its counterpart. Besides the following four duties, the inner subconscious mind monitors and controls all of our bodily functions. The center of your mind is what keeps your breathing, your heart and your eyes, continue to work automatically.

The four parts of the subconscious mind are:

1. Permanent Memory

2. Habits

3. Emotions

4. Self Preservation

Memory of everything that we have ever experienced, real or imagined is stored in the permanent memory area of the subconscious mind. Everything you've ever seen heard or felt, everything that has ever happened around you, your dreams, your past and your future are all stored there. Copies of these experiences can be brought to the temporary memory area of the conscious if you know how to open the door.

Habits are also in the area that is below awareness. That is why it is so difficult to alter habits with conscious effort (Such as with Will Power).

Our emotions are controlled from within the inner subconscious mind, at the center of your mind. Try as hard as you want you cannot alter your emotions with conscious effort. Some people find that they are able to hide an emotional reaction but they still feel it.

Fortunately, we have a part of the inner subconscious mind that monitors all our activity and will not allow us to do anything that this part of us feels could be harmful to us physically or mentally. This is called the protective mind or the critical factor, and it is what prevents you from taking the journey to the center of your mind with just Will Power. Understand that if our internal protective mind does not know that something is harmful, it will not stop us from doing it.

At a conscious level, we may know that we have certain bad habbits, but if the protective mind in the inner subconscious does not know it is unhealthy then we are able to continue anyway.

This is why there is only one thing that can prevent you from going into the beautiful state, known as center of your mind. That one thing is fear.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

You Must BE The Hypnotist

You must BE the hypnotist.

You never TRY to hypnotize, you just DO IT

If they does not go under, it is because they are not following your commands.

They MUST follow your every command.

If they says they cannot be hypnotized, you say that everyone can be hypnotized and that you have never met anyone you could not hypnotize.

Use presuppositions, like “When you go into trance!

This is the ONLY way it will work.

There is no MAYBE. There is only ONE WAY. This is a one way ticket guys. You’re going in and you’re going ALL the way in. There’s no turning back.

Use a hypnotic voice, not a monotonic voice.

Lower your voice (frequency, not volume) Speak deeply. Use a COMMANDING voice.

Use tonality congruent with where you want them to go.

BE the hypnotist. The rest will follow.

Hypnotic Ritual For The Ideal Self

The best way to benefit from this

Close your eyes right now

And I’d like you to imagine, or make a picture,

Of the you you’d like to be

How would you be standing

What would you be wearing

How would you be breathing

What kinds of beliefs does that person have

What kinds of things do they do

How do they deal with different types of situations

What kind of posture do they have

Are they holding their posture that way because they’re confident, because they’re relaxed

Whats behind that?

Whats inside of that ideal self?

Get the whole thing

Make it really VIVID in your mind

Now, what are some of the things that the ideal self would have been through to have that,

ideal self image

What are some of the experiences,

What are some of the beliefs

What are some of the learning’s that they could have had

And now that you have that image

It can be a very powerful icon for you

You can change it any time you want

You can go in and add things to it.

“There was this one thing, I didn’t even know I wanted back then”

plug it in, change their look, do whatever you want

And now what I’d like you tod is take that ideal self image and I want you to throw it up in the air

So far that you can’t even see it anymore

Its just a tiny dot

And now I want it to multiply into a million of them

And start falling down, all around you in every direction as far as you can see

Large, small, all sizes

Into your past,

Into your future

Above you,

Below you,


Falling down into every experience your going to have and every experience you have had, falling down and landing inside of you even

Just see that ideal self everywhere

As far as you can see

Everywhere you look you turn your head around and you can just see it on the horizon

All around you, falling, EVERYWHERE

That’s and exercise you an do for years

So When your happy about that one

Just satisfied that you’ve gotten everything you need to get from it

Just come back, open your eye’s

You can do that any time you want

Any situation you’re in, crowded bar, rock concert, whatever

Close your eyes, ideal image

Throw it out everywhere

See it everywhere

See it in a crowd

See it talking to the people

You can send it out and let it be a guide for you

Simple exercise

Whats interesting is, the more you do it the more like that you become

The more in your reality those things become

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Milton Model Ramblings

I’m wondering if you will read this entire letter

Maybe you’ll think of all the ways it will help you

You probably already know many ways this is benefiting you

Don’t read this again too quickly, just relax and follow the words for a while

Can you imagine all the ways where you would use this letter if you read it and really knew it?

One can, you, feel good about this for no reason at all

You might notice the feelings of comfort as you begin to relax your whole body

A person might, you, take the new lessons from this letter and then let go of the old ones

One could let this learning go to a very deep place inside, because you may not be completely aware of how import it is yet

You can use it and discover how powerful it is, because it is a great to learn ways to do new things

You can allow new answers to come to you, can you not?

I don’t know what things in particular you will enjoy the most

You might notice how good learning from this feels, when you follow the instructions

Will you get into the habit of doing what I say, or will you may begin to actually follow my lead.

I wouldn’t tell you to, and you can’t disagree with me, because I said up front I wouldn’t tell you

But how would it feel if you already used this letter everyday?

I could tell you that this experience will give you more confidence and self-assurance, but I would rather let you discover that for yourself. I could tell you that this is a great way to avoid resistance, but you probably understand that already.

Sooner or later you’re going to be able to look back on this and laugh about it.

And sometime, you’re going to feel better about this. Sometime you’re going to understand this from a viewpoint where it all makes sense.

Sometime you might indirectly imagine a time when you have the resources you want to feel.

Eventually you will develop a deep understanding for all of this and it will become second nature to you. Imagine that

Try to resist the learning’s and understanding as they go deeper inside you

You might not have noticed the way the chair supports you... beneath your legs beneath your arms… behind your shoulders

Some people have hidden strengths that they discover can help them in situations very much like yours.

Can you really enjoy this process? What happens when you do?


When you relax into trance

You get a release of endorphins

These are the body’s natural opiates

You release endorphins after physical exercise

Laughing a lot

Having sex or relaxing deeply into trance,

Now, you can, release endorphins

Any time want to, it’s easy

Just ask that part of you that’s in charge of your endorphins to

Give you an endorphin release, now

it can help you to remember times when you’ve released endorphins before

Make the image of those memories





Double that good feeling, notice where it starts

And spreads from and start it again

And again

Because endorphins are neurotransmitters

They create bonding in your brain

And they make you more intelligent

Now, when you awaken from trance, that feeling will stay with you

Metaphor For Growth And Change

Just as a gardener prepares the soil
Before he plants the seeds that grow to becomes
Day by day
Growing stronger
In the rain
And the sunshine
Growing with the changes of the seasons
Adapting to the changes happening

As you let your mind drift
And relax even more
Let us plant the seeds of learning and experience
Deep within your mind

Age Regression

For years now

Ever since

You were young

You’ve always learned

Many things


In many ways you realized how you learned it

And some you didn’t

In fact you don’t even know how you learned language

You just did

As a child

And that very process that children use

Sometimes as we get older

The door seems to close behind us

That doesn’t mean it can’t be opened up again

In fact, I want you to just realize

That when you were a child

When you first saw the task of writing

Letters and numbers of the alphabet

Just like when you first heard words


When you were even younger


You did not realize

That you were beginning the process

Of building a foundation

Of new learning’s

New understandings

That would become so automatic

Well you automatically to have your fears

You automatically to have your doubts

You automatically learrrrned

How to behave in ways that work

And some that don’t

But it is your neurology

You did learn it

And it doesn’t matter where

You don’t know where you learned which words of the English language

But you do know where

You use and understanding now

Even though you still don’t know

How you’re doing it

Suggestions Of Trance

The basis of learning the art of hypnosis is understanding suggestions and trance… Now, trance happens all the time, the most common ones are driving on the highway, waiting in an elevator, watching a movie in the theaters.. but what were doing here is purposefully learn how to go into a trance..

Sit up in your chair with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting in your lap. Separate your fingers so they do not touch. And just close your eye’s and take a deep breath.

And you may notice for example

That if you pay attention to your hands

That the weight of one hang is heavier then the other

And that the weight of the other hand is lighter

I don’t know if the right hand is lighter

Or if the right hand is heavier

Or if the left hand is heaver or lighter then the right

But you can know

That the hand that is heavier

Right now

Is the right hand to feel heavy

And that the other hand is left to feel


And you’ll notice how each word I saw takes you deeper into relaxation

How did that feel?

Finger-Lock Suggestibility Test

Allright, Here’s what were gona do

Take your hands and fold them together as if you are prying

Interlock fingers together and

Let your palms to press together as well

Now I want you to go ahead and take your two index fingers

And stick them streight in the air

And I want you to separate them about an inch, apart

And I want you to state directly at your finger tips

As you do this, I want you to imagine that your fingers start to come closer and closer

Together, just imagine your fingers start drawing closer and close together, so close that in your mind that you imagine that your fingers are now touching

Just imagine your fingers are touching, the closer they get the more they want to come together is if there’s magnets in the tips of your fingers bringing them closer and closer and closer together, until you imagine your fingers get so close that you just allow them to touch, as your finger touch together now, I want you to experience a sense of relaxation and pleasure that flows through your body.

Now with this suggestibility test, either your fingers moved, a little closer together, which means your more analytical, hypnosis will still work for you, you just need to listen to the suggestions, more frequently.

If your fingers moved closer together then you stopped them and started pulling them apart, that just means you had some resistance, maybe a little control issue? And that just means that as you learn how to get out of your own, you’ll be able to use your mind to really create some amazing results. And then for people who watched your fingers go right together, and you went “oh my goodness what just happened” that just means your very suggestible, which means the suggestions you decide to accept will work VERY well, for you.