Allright, Here’s what were gona do
Take your hands and fold them together as if you are prying
Interlock fingers together and
Let your palms to press together as well
Now I want you to go ahead and take your two index fingers
And stick them streight in the air
And I want you to separate them about an inch, apart
And I want you to state directly at your finger tips
As you do this, I want you to imagine that your fingers start to come closer and closer
Together, just imagine your fingers start drawing closer and close together, so close that in your mind that you imagine that your fingers are now touching
Just imagine your fingers are touching, the closer they get the more they want to come together is if there’s magnets in the tips of your fingers bringing them closer and closer and closer together, until you imagine your fingers get so close that you just allow them to touch, as your finger touch together now, I want you to experience a sense of relaxation and pleasure that flows through your body.
If your fingers moved closer together then you stopped them and started pulling them apart, that just means you had some resistance, maybe a little control issue? And that just means that as you learn how to get out of your own, you’ll be able to use your mind to really create some amazing results. And then for people who watched your fingers go right together, and you went “oh my goodness what just happened” that just means your very suggestible, which means the suggestions you decide to accept will work VERY well, for you.
This is ridiculous. You could close your eyes and think about pink bunnies and rainbows and your fingers would still touch after several seconds. There is no hypnosis here. It's just your muscles tiring.
Thats only partly true... people who resist suggestion will hold the fingers apart. While people who are in a state of higher suggestibility will allow the words alone to bring the fingers together.
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