You must BE the hypnotist.
You never TRY to hypnotize, you just DO IT
If they does not go under, it is because they are not following your commands.
They MUST follow your every command.
If they says they cannot be hypnotized, you say that everyone can be hypnotized and that you have never met anyone you could not hypnotize.
Use presuppositions, like “When you go into trance!”
This is the ONLY way it will work.
There is no MAYBE. There is only ONE WAY. This is a one way ticket guys. You’re going in and you’re going ALL the way in. There’s no turning back.
Lower your voice (frequency, not volume) Speak deeply. Use a COMMANDING voice.
Use tonality congruent with where you want them to go.
BE the hypnotist. The rest will follow.
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