I’m wondering if you will read this entire letter
Maybe you’ll think of all the ways it will help you
You probably already know many ways this is benefiting you
Don’t read this again too quickly, just relax and follow the words for a while
Can you imagine all the ways where you would use this letter if you read it and really knew it?
One can, you, feel good about this for no reason at all
You might notice the feelings of comfort as you begin to relax your whole body
A person might, you, take the new lessons from this letter and then let go of the old ones
One could let this learning go to a very deep place inside, because you may not be completely aware of how import it is yet
You can use it and discover how powerful it is, because it is a great to learn ways to do new things
You can allow new answers to come to you, can you not?
I don’t know what things in particular you will enjoy the most
You might notice how good learning from this feels, when you follow the instructions
Will you get into the habit of doing what I say, or will you may begin to actually follow my lead.
I wouldn’t tell you to, and you can’t disagree with me, because I said up front I wouldn’t tell you
But how would it feel if you already used this letter everyday?
I could tell you that this experience will give you more confidence and self-assurance, but I would rather let you discover that for yourself. I could tell you that this is a great way to avoid resistance, but you probably understand that already.
Sooner or later you’re going to be able to look back on this and laugh about it.
And sometime, you’re going to feel better about this. Sometime you’re going to understand this from a viewpoint where it all makes sense.
Sometime you might indirectly imagine a time when you have the resources you want to feel.
Eventually you will develop a deep understanding for all of this and it will become second nature to you. Imagine that
Try to resist the learning’s and understanding as they go deeper inside you
You might not have noticed the way the chair supports you... beneath your legs beneath your arms… behind your shoulders
Some people have hidden strengths that they discover can help them in situations very much like yours.
Can you really enjoy this process? What happens when you do?
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