So, what is the thing we call the mind? You cannot see it, a doctor cannot tell you where it is, and yet we seem to need it.
The mind is not an entity; it is a system that gives order to our computer like brain. Without a systematic way of taking in and processing information, our lives would be out of control; nothing would make any sense at all.
How does this mind work? We have two areas of information storage and thought processing. We are totally aware of the first area. We call it our conscious mind. The information and processing in the second area is done below awareness and therefore we have no idea of what is happening in this part, known as the inner subconscious mind. This part of your mind thinks its in charge as this is where the journey to the center of your mind begins. Both parts of the mind system have very important duties.
There are four primary parts of the conscious mind, they are:
1. Analytical Thinking
2. Rational Thinking
3. Will Power
4. Temporary Memory
The analytical and rational thinking parts of our mind are used before and after we take action. We use analytical thinking to solve some problem and then take whatever action is necessary. Because we always need a reason for the things we do, if no analytical thinking was used before acting, rational thinking gives us a reason for doing what ever we have just done. Rational thinking gives us a reason that does not have any factual basis and therefore it is usually bad information but it is a reason and that is all we need.
Will Power thinking is very temporary and wears off with time.
Temporary memory is where we hold only the information that we are using now. If I ask you to think of a tree, a tree moves into the temporary memory and will stay there until it is no longer needed and then it just drops out of memory.
The inner subconscious mind is far more complex then its counterpart. Besides the following four duties, the inner subconscious mind monitors and controls all of our bodily functions. The center of your mind is what keeps your breathing, your heart and your eyes, continue to work automatically.
The four parts of the subconscious mind are:
1. Permanent Memory
2. Habits
3. Emotions
4. Self Preservation
Memory of everything that we have ever experienced, real or imagined is stored in the permanent memory area of the subconscious mind. Everything you've ever seen heard or felt, everything that has ever happened around you, your dreams, your past and your future are all stored there. Copies of these experiences can be brought to the temporary memory area of the conscious if you know how to open the door.
Habits are also in the area that is below awareness. That is why it is so difficult to alter habits with conscious effort (Such as with Will Power).
Our emotions are controlled from within the inner subconscious mind, at the center of your mind. Try as hard as you want you cannot alter your emotions with conscious effort. Some people find that they are able to hide an emotional reaction but they still feel it.
Fortunately, we have a part of the inner subconscious mind that monitors all our activity and will not allow us to do anything that this part of us feels could be harmful to us physically or mentally. This is called the protective mind or the critical factor, and it is what prevents you from taking the journey to the center of your mind with just Will Power. Understand that if our internal protective mind does not know that something is harmful, it will not stop us from doing it.
At a conscious level, we may know that we have certain bad habbits, but if the protective mind in the inner subconscious does not know it is unhealthy then we are able to continue anyway.
This is why there is only one thing that can prevent you from going into the beautiful state, known as center of your mind. That one thing is fear.
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