Whenever you enter this state, you allow yourself to go back into the same beautiful state that
you are now in. Each time allowing yourself to go back deeper, each time enjoying it more and
more, feeling terrific in every way. Whenever you enter this state, the instant you close your
eyes, you mentally reach up and turn your light switch into the off position. When that switch is
in that off position, all electricity flowing from your brain to your body becomes disconnected.
Your muscles become instantly calm, very deeply relaxed and you allow the sound of my voice
to guide you deeper into relaxation.
Following my suggestions guides you deeper into relaxation. The deeper you go into
relaxation the better you feel, and the better you feel the more and more your body relaxes with
just wonderful feelings going through your body and happy thoughts going through your mind.
So relax, and let yourself go. Now I want you to relax still more to a deeper state of relaxation.
Much more relaxed. So again I'll count from five down to one and as I count from five down to
one, your body will double the relaxation you have right now, automatically. 5...relaxation
starting to double. 4...relaxation doubling more and more. 3...Very comfortable very relaxed.
2...relaxation is now almost doubled in your body. 1...relaxation now has doubled in your body
from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Every fiber, every tissue, every organ, every
gland every part of you has doubled in its relaxation. You feel fine.
I want you to imagine, or visualize, in front of you is a long staircase that is leading down into
relaxation. We have never found a basement, a bottom of a person's ability to relax. It's endless.
Every breath that you exhale takes you down another step on this staircase of relaxation.
Every breath takes you deeper into an endless state of relaxation. You drift down feeling
wonderful, feeling comfortable. relax and let yourself go. Just relax and let yourself go. I still
want you to relax to a much more relaxed state. Already with your light switch in the off
position, every muscle becomes dormant, quite unable to move. Again I will count, but this time
from ten down to one. As I count from ten down to one, your conscious mind will relax as much
as your body is relaxed and your mind and body will double the relaxation that it has at that time
on each and every count. 10...Your mind is as relaxed as the body is relaxed and the body is
doubling it's relaxation. 9...The mind is relaxed as the body is relaxed, and the body is doubling
it's relaxation again. 8...Mind relaxed as the body is relaxed and the body again is doubling the relaxation it has at this time. 7...The same thing. 6...Keep right on going now.
5...4...3...2...1...Mind relaxed as the body is relaxed and your body has doubled its relaxation
many times over.
By relaxation I mean the absence of all contractions. Your body is loose, limp and
motionless. Your muscles offering no resistance just as if you were a rag doll. Complete
relaxation means the absence of all movement. It means the complete absence of holding any
part of your body rigid. So as you are completely relaxed, all the muscles attached to your bones
are limp. If you make any voluntary movements you can only do so by contracting some group
of muscles, but when you allow these muscles to become completely dormant, your nerves are
completely inactive. And its certain that complete relaxation in any set of nerves simply means
zero activity in these nerves. And it is physically impossible for you to be nervous in any part of
your body. You're feeling better than you've felt in a long time. Outside noises will not distract
you. Anything you may hear will only assist you in relaxing more and more deeply and you do
go deeper. With every breath, down another step on that endless staircase of relaxation. The
sound of my voice keeps guiding you deeper into relaxation.
Following my suggestions keeps guiding you into deeper relaxation. And the more and more
you allow your body to relax the better you feel and the better you feel the more your mind and
body will relax. You have complete control over every nerve in your body, control over your
whole nervous system, and you drift much deeper, much deeper into relaxation.
And now there is only three more levels of relaxation for you to go into now. Level A, level
B and level C. Now to accomplish these levels, you must know it will work, let it work. You
can feel it working, feel it working as if you are going down an escalator to deeper levels at all
times. So now I want you to go from where you are to level A, ten times deeper. You know it
will work, let it work. Feel it working, feel yourself sinking down to level A as if you're going
down an escalator. Very good. Now I want you to go from level A to level B. Again you know
it will work, let it work. Feel it work as if you're going down an escalator from level A to level
B, ten times deeper, automatically going down. Very good.
Now I want you to go from level B to level C, your basement of relaxation today. You know
it will work, let it work. Feel it work. Feel yourself sinking down many times deeper to level C.
That's fine.
Now with your light switch in the off position, shutting down the electricity to every muscle in
your body, I want you to try to lift your right leg, (5 second pause), stop trying. And Let your
body go much deeper. Now I want you to try and lift your left leg, (5 second pause), stop trying
and let your body still go deeper. Now I want you to try and lift your right arm, (5 second
pause), stop trying and let your body still go deeper. All the way down to the very bottom of
relaxation where you will be so peaceful, happy and content. Everyday you will feel better and
better, happier and happier and more contented. Each time you enter this beautiful state of
relaxation, you'll go much deeper than the time before.
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