Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hypnotic Happyness

Welcome to the hypnotic trance for happiness

To listen and go into trance

You should be sitting or lying down in a place where you can comfortably relax for about 20 minutes

In a moment I will ask you to begin to make yourself as comfortable as possible

And perhaps let your mind drift


As you enter the relaxed yet aware state called trance

You will still be able to hear what I say

But there will be pleasant changes

Relaxation and trance are the easiest things you can do

All you do is continually relax a little more

As you listen to my voice

And do everything I suggest

It’s a good idea as you

Begin to go into a trance

Close your eye’s

And take a deep breath

Let go

And comfortably release any excess tensions you were holding

If you need to awaken

You will awaken fully alert

But now you can just let go

At the end of this tape you’ll awaken refreshed


And alert

But for now

Just let your tensions drift to your breathing

the gentle in

and out

that happens all by itself

as you leave your attention drifting on your breathing

you can let my voice take you into trance


As your hearing my words become aware of all of your body

From the tips of your toes

To the top of your head

Relaxing the muscles around your eye’s

And relaxing you jaw

Easing the muscles in your neck and shoulders

With each out breath a little more

Until everything is completely relaxed

And comfortably aware

Of your chest

And legs

And feet


As you allow pleasant and happy thoughts to fill your awareness of yourself

As you go deeper into this comfortably enjoyable experience

And certain awareness you find easy and natural


You can notice how those feelings of relaxation grow stronger

Because you whole body is a beautiful instrument of life

And as you continue to hear me

Your body attunes to my suggestions that help you most


And now

You can let go

And easily drift for a while

Let go

And sink deeper into this enjoyable experience


Can be so refreshing

You can find new exciting easyer ways to work

To have fun

And really enjoy life

Each new breath you take in

Is an opportunity to receive energy

There are many activities that you do that produce flow

Just thinking about them


Starts to make it happen

And flow is a state

The more you think of those times that come to mind

The stronger the state becomes


You know what its like to be in flow states

Listening to music

Appreciating art

Reading something interesting

Watching a display of physical skill

Are just some of the many millions of things that can produce flow

By appreciating

And becoming absorbed in the act of understanding the work of others

You are accessing and creating flow yourself


Remember times when

You have an Image

Times when you will


Notice in clear detail the feeling of being in flow

Because when you experience any state

Your mind remembers it and keeps and psychological and physiological record of it

So that when its appropriate

You can

Re-experience it again

You’re mind used to wait until you were engaged in certain activates

Until it triggered the flow state for you


It can do it automatically

So that

You in flow so often that

You produce the results that give you even more

And now

In the back of your mind

Your unconscious Now

Goes on a search through your experience for those specific times and places where you have already experienced the state called flow

And collect all of those good feelings and perceptions and knowledge

And bring them forward in time

Through to now

And into the future

Whenever its frequently appropriate for you to experience it

You can ever more effortlessly and easily go with the flow

And I don’t know if you can

Really imagining yet

Just How much increased joy and pleasure you’re going to be living with


When you remember about all of the experiences and learning’s of flow

That you have

How much more experience is there for you to learn

And benefit form the experience of others

All of the people you know and admire

Have had experiences of flow

Imagine now

a person you love and trust

imagine them being in the flow state

Its as if you could see them there infront of you

And imagine that you step inside of their image

And see with their eye’s

And hear with their ears

And feel their state of flow

Flowing through you

Joining and amplifying the pleasurable and relaxed intensity of the flow state for you

And I’m sure for you there are certain sporting champions

Great achievers

Or spiritual leaders

who are actors and ideal demonstrations of the state of flow for you


when you think of moments of their great achievements

you could step into them

and see what they see


what they hear

and feel that powerful sense of flow

resonate from them

in you


you can really enjoy the experience of repeating this process


and over again

at a very deeply influential level

as you practice you become skilled

what you place your attention on you get more of

as you place your attention more and more

on entering and remaining in an un-distractible state of flow

you’ll experience this desirable state more and more in your life

like a river flowing strongly and easily down stream

you’re flow state goes with whatever your interested in

everyday when you practice the flow state

you strengthen and reinforce the neural pathways of flow in your brain

you can live each day

each breath as a work of art unfolding

enjoying the unique beauty of each moment as it unfolds you enjoy just being in this moment

You at one with all things

You go into flow states easily and naturally

You choose to enter the flow state

By enjoying more of what you do everyday

Even the smallest daily activity can be a flow-full occasion

You experience more and more times and situations where flow becomes useful and appropriate

You do the things you do because you love todo them

Love todo them

You feel loved



At one with yourself and the world

You automatically generate feelings of contentment everyday

More and more often

Your unconscious now can flow you at any time of the day or night

While dreaming you practice and incorporate your learning and experience to help your life flow more smoothly

With each breath

Your reminded with your connection flow

Each gentle breath you take

Is an opportunity to receive energy

As you hear these words

Feel your own breathing

And be aware of the space around you

Let yourself feel your oneness with your environment

With all the life and every part of your and the unity of the life around you

Each moment is new and unique

Each of us has marvelous potentials that were not aware of

And we don’t know how or when they will be realized

Enjoy the process of anticipation

The process of becoming who you are

There is nothing more delightful then planting flower seeds and not knowing what kinds of flowers are going to come up

So many changes are useful and possible while you’re in trance

And while you rest

Your unconscious can

Go ahead and make the changes that need to be made

Immediately at a rate that’s in keeping with your continuing health and wellbeing

So that afterwards when you look back on it

Having made all the changes that you wanted to


You’ll find it’ll have been so much easier

More natural

And total unconscious then you could have imagined

And when you have come out of trance in a few minutes

You can experience a sense of having rested

As conformation that this is so

Because you will find that you are happier and more fulfilled form this day forward

You automatically find more joy and beauty in each moment

Imagine how you’d look if you were totally happy and fulfilled

How would you sit or stand

How would you breath and smile

How much energy would you have

How would you speak

And how would you respond to things


Make clear

Bright picture in your mind

And then go over to that image and step into that happier you

Feel how good the feelings feel

The difference in the thoughts

And let that learning encode into your neurology and physiology


Its important to be alert

And its important to relax

And as you become awake

You can feel a wish to be active

And you’ll find yourself enjoying that

And you can awake now

As I count backwards from 10 to 1

Feeling refreshed



And confident

With a renewed sense of optimism

And just before you awaken

Reinforcing at an unconscious level

Every positive though that you’ve ever had

About yourself




Gradually awakening




surprised at your own ability





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