along with the music
I will be guiding you into the most relaxing state of positive change possible
As I guide you through your introduction to trance
Good subjects find a quite place and a comfortable chair in which to recline
And use headphones so that you can hear my voice, inside you mind and
All the outside sounds recede
Close your eyes and
Make yourself comfortable
A good way to listen to this process is like
When you come home and perhaps flip on the tv so that
As you move into the next room
You could still hear the voices even if you were paying no conscious attention to it at all
Just the firmiliar sounds of life all around you
Nothing can disturb or distract you as you
Learn to let go and
Go into trance
What you'll find is that
The sound of the music and my voice will
Work together to guide your body into aprofound sense of
Deep physical relaxation
Where you body will relax into a sleep like state
You'll know your in the chair and
You could open your eyes if you wanted
Its just that
Your rather remain relaxed and comfortable
While you listen to my voice
The music is specifically designed to produce an entrainment effect
One where you the compelling rhythms
Capture your thoughts and
Lead your body to the thresholds of sleep
So wonderfully relaxed
So that
All you have to do is
Let go
And allow this to happen
So long as you hear the music
You will remain relaxed and drifting
Deeper into relaxing trance
It's a state of powerful
Profound exploration and discovery
It's a state where your mind is free of hesitation and doubt
Free from worry or care
It's a state where you can learn to become fully human
Balanced in thoughts and feelings
Open to sensation and satisfaction
You'll find that you might awaken a little hear and there
But then you'll hear the music and the sound of my voice and
You'll slip right back down
Right back down
Deeper and deeper with every break
Every breath
Every word you hear
Sending you deeper, and deeper
Your mind shifts
Into a state where during this session
You learn to suspend criticism
And instead, allow your powerful imagination to
Accept positive suggestions and commands
Its automatic
These suggestions and commands will
Capture your attention
Spark your imagination and
Lead your inner mind to rehearse all the ways that
You can eliminate negative thoughts and feelings from your live
Building Instead
New thoughts
New beliefs
New sensations and new behaviours that
As you then accept what works as your own positive thoughts
You change for the better
Its starts now
Because this session will have a powerful affect on your subconscious mind
I want you
For just the time it takes to experience this session
Totally screen out outside sounds
And outside influences
You will remain relaxed and deep in trance
Accepting suggestions and obeying commands
And only a real emergency could disturb your from this trance training experience
When I give the command to emerge from trance
You will then awaken relaxed
Happy you were hypnotized
And all resulting changes will be natural and positive for you
So open yourself up completely and
Begin now to go into a powerful state of trance
People can experience a side effect from this process
One where you rapidly learn to sleep soundly all night long
Will wonderful dreams
So your subconscious mind will review and strengthen all my hypnotic suggestions and commands
As you accept and obey quickly
Your own mind will force you to
Have the experience completely first
And only then integrate the resulting positive changes
In a perfectly natural and helpful way
You don't even need to understand why
These changes benefit you greatly
Your eyes should be comfortably closed
And your legs and arm uncrossed
So the power of your mind will work through the ability of your body to
Create the state known as self hypnosis
Your going to learn to-do it yourself
Using a process called the 10 to 1 method of self hypnosis
All you will need to-do is keep your eye's closed and
Allow my voice to penetrate you completely
Your conscious mind can drift along with the music while
Your inner mind will concentrate fully on the sound of my voice
Enjoy whatever your feeling at the sound of my voice and
Focus on each of the numbers and I count down from 10 to 1
Each descending number will have a unique and different suggestion for you
As you accept and act on my powerful
positive suggestions
Your life will get better
You will find when practicing method on your own that
You can assign these numbers any meaning that might suite you needs
Its all for you you know
Learning how to use trance for a change is
Making your life better
Lets begin by imagining now
A chock board in your mind
Image this chock board represents the space
And place and time now
You can move from the stat of wide awake alert consciousness
Into the dreamy drowsy relaxed and comfortable state
Know as your intuitive and inventive self
Your imagination will provide you with sights and sounds and sensations
While you drift and dream
Of every suggestion and command
Leaving you deeper into your intuitive self
Imagine standing in front of that chock board and using your normal witting hand
Reaching out and writing with a glowing finger tip
Write with me now on the chock board of your mind the number to
Imagine as you write the number ten
That you feel a sense of relaxation
And the number 10 will represent for you
During this self hypnosis process
Your moving into a new stage of your life
A new cycle of learn how to reduce the stress
Minimize the strain and
Remove the confusion from your life
By using the most powerful force in the universe
The power of your own thoughts
Your own thoughts are more powerful then things
Your thoughts create things
So Imagine with me now as you
Erase the number 10 from the chock board in your mind
As well your erasing any stress
Your erasing any strain
Your erasing any confusion from the scalp facial muscles and tendons
Feel the scalp facial muscles and tendons relax
And to reach this level of relaxation on your own
All you will need to do is close your eye's
Place the number 10 on the chock board of your mind and then erase the number 10 and you will be this relaxed and then even more relaxed
Providing you with a place and space to
Go deeper
And deeper
Soon you will be so relaxed and
So comfortable
That it will be time for you to create your perfect place of relaxation
But first you must relax your body
The deeper you can relax your body
The better your mind will operate in these altered state
So let yourself go
Feel yourself relaxing
And just
Let go of the thoughts
The cares and the concerns of your day
So you will be free
Totally and completely free to
Produce the type of life that you desire
So imagine walking back to the chock board in your mind and
As you write the number 9
You feel now the responsibility you have about yourself
That today
You are doing something for yourself
You've been doing for others far too long
Its now time to
Allow yourself the feeling and the sensations of deep relaxation
Letting go of any of the fear that might have prevented you in the past from
Just letting go and
Taking good care of yourself
As you relax your mind and you
Focus on the deeper relaxation of your body
You will let go of all the concerns
All the care that others have
And you'll focus on the concern and the health and the harmony of your own mind
So if you don't mind simply erase the number 9 from your mind
And as you erase the number 9 from your mind
Feel the neck and shoulders relaxing
Feeling your blood flowing freely
The circulation continuing to expand
As you move into that intuitive part of your mind
That dynamic inner state of consciousness
Where you can begin the process of planning and producing results that will seem spontaneous upon awaking
But will be well thought out at the level of your inner mind
Where you can change the way you think
Act and respond to outside stress
In fact
Outside stress
Outside strain
Outside confusion will no longer have the same effect on you upon awakening
And you will make the right choice
At the right time and
In the right sequence
All you really need todo is
Relax and
Allow your future
Your most desirable future to flow so freely and
So easily through your mind
That you can plan the apropirate behaviors
The appropriate attitudes
The appropriate beliefs
That will help you to accomplish your highest goals
So let yourself go now
As you erase these number from your mind
Each time you will feel a wave of relaxation
Starting at the top of your head
And slowly decending down through your body
Down to the buttom of your feel
Slowly decending
Relaxing you deeper and deeper
Each number taking a layer of stress
Strain and confusion away
So that soon
Very soon indeed
You'll be at the center of relaxation for you
That perfect balanced place
Between what is creative and what is logical with you
More comfortable with this process
More relaxed about yourself
Imagine on the chockboard of your mind
That you could write the number 8
And as you write the number 8
You begin to underthat that the number 8 for this process today will represent material mastery
That you will change those things you can in your life
And you will accept those things that you have no choice over time
You'll begin to work in tim
The seconds in hypnosis will seem as hours
And the hours will at times seem as days
And all you really need todo is let go
As you continues the program of letting go of stress
Strain and confusion
Simply erase the number 8 from your mind and
Feel the large and small muscles of the arms relaxing in such a powerful and positive way that
As the numbers fade from your mind
Your concearns of the day fade away from your thoughts
And your focus is on your body
This is your body and
Today your learning powerful tools to reduce the stress
Remove the strain and
Drive away the confuions so that upon awakening all of your skills abilities and resources will all come to play to help you accomplish your hightest goals
So walk up to the chock board of your mind and write the number 7
The number 7 will represent for you today
The ability to go deep and deep inside
It will represent for you the ability to
Remain conscious and alert during the self hypnotic process
Where you body enters a state near sleep
While your inner mind remains alert
Conscious and every aware of my voice
In fact
You will find today that
The more aware and accepting your mind becomes
The more relaxed your body will feel
So erase the number 7 from the chock board of your mind and feel the chest abdomen and back relaxing
All inner organs all inner cells now
Going loose
Comfortably limp
Completely relaxed
Feeling them in your own unique way
Moving into their perfect rythem
Their perfect cadence
Where health harmony and vitality will become yours upon awakening
And all you need todo now is concentrate on the simple act of breathing
Breathing in with one set of muscles and allowing the body to naturally breather out
Its easy to let go
Its easy and fun to just let go
Feel the power of your mind taking over this process
Walk up to the chock board of your mind now and
Write the number 6
As you write the number 6 on the chock board or your mind
You begin to feel the sense of responding to your abilities
That's right
You now have the ability to move from the state of wide awake
alert consciousness
Your quiting your conscious mind through a level of suggestive processes
Into your intuitive and inventive self
Today your learning an ability
Your learning to
You will respond to that ability upon awakening
Therefore each time that you move through life you will create responsibility
You are becoming responsible
And each time that you practice the 10 to 1 method you will close your eye's
Take a deep breaths and go deeper
And deeper
You will hear this session whisper inside your inner mind
Until your filled to the brim with new thoughts that force you to change for the better
Becoming more and relaxed and positive now
Soon you will be so deeply relaxed
By the simple act of closing your eyes and counting from 10 to 1
That you'll be unaware of your body
Yet you will remain very aware
Very alert
And very conscious to the power of your mind
So erase the number 6 from your mind
Just let it go
This your time to
Let go
Feel yourself moving between space as well as time and orgazing the thoughts organizing your attitude
And organizing your beliefs
Feel yourself letting go now as
The inner organs go completely
Loose and limp and relaxed
As your erase the number from your mind
Erasing the numbers from your mind
And feeling your creative mind now
Your beautifly creative mind opening up
With the posibilites of your life
There is the possibility that for you personally there are greater possibilities
To write the number 5 on the chock board of your mind and
As your write the number 5 on the chock board of your mind
You begin in your own way to understand change
That's right
Change is the most powerful force in the physical universibes becase everyly is subject to change
Your thoughts change
Your life changes
Your physical world is changing now
Your learning ways to handle and manage and cope with change
As you erase the number 5
Feel your hips relaxing and
All fear and all frustration
And all anxiety dissipates
It slowly dissolves andmelts away
Leaving you free and flexible to smile for no apparent reason
Infact you will find each time your procatise self hypnosis
That you will find yourself smiling for no apparent reason
You'll feel physically strong
You will remain mentally alert
There will be emotional balance and
You don't have to know why
Every day it will get easier
And every night as your drift off into sleep
You'll measure the amount of stress
You'll measure the amount of strain
You'll measure the amount of confusion and then
Through the power of through
You will make all the adjustments that need to be made so that
Upon awakening on the morning to come
You will feel extremely good for no apart reason
As you grow strong
Mentally alert
And emotionally balanced
You can and you will accomplish your goals
So as you erase the numbers from your mind
Feel your body sinking ever deeper
Deeper and deeper then the number before
And as you write the number 4 in the chockboard of your mind
You being to understand the principals of
Doing it right
Your gona cross your Ts and dot your Is
Taking the necessary steps to do the right things and
Doing the things right
Every day in every way your going to accomplish your hypnotic goals by planning them in your mind consciously or unconsiclous and then upon awakening keeping the ending result in mind
The ideal result of every situation
You will see clearly with your mind eye
The pictures in your mind will become bright and brilliant
Filled with color and vitality
Your inner hearing will become beautiful
Infact soothing music will play in the background from teime to time
Each time going deeper then the time before
You'll feel yourself letting go
So let go as you erase the number 4 from your mind and
Feel yourself going deeper
And deeper
Feel your body going loose
Comfortably limp
And completely relaxed now
Write the number 3 on the chockboard of your mind
The number 3 is going to represent in the self hypnotic process
Your ability to communicate with yourself
The more your capable of communicating with yourself
The more capable and able you will to be
At communicating with others
So today
As you erase the number 3 from your mind you
Feel the body relaxing and
You feel comfortable relaxation moving down through the body like a current
Relaxing the theighs
The large and small muscles in the legs
You feel them go loose
Comfortably limp and
Completely relaxed
And from this empowering positive place
You feel yourself going deeper
And deeper
Soon you will be there,
At the basement of relaxation for you
Perfect comfort and relaxation
So that we can reach that place today
And when you pratice this 10 to 1 method on your own it will be so
Write the number 2 on the chock board of your mind
And as your wiret the number 2 on the chock board of your mind
You begin in your own unique way communicating with others
Imagine Your presence of mind
Your tact and diplomacy
Your ability to say the right thing at the right time
So 2 when practicing self hpnosis
You'll be able to master your mind
Master your thoughts
And master your body
Every day it will get easier
Every day it will get simpler
And every day as you drift off into sleep
It will begome a habit
You'll find the habit of removing stress
Eliminating strain
And removing the confusion
It will be as natural for you as your heart beat
As normal for you as breathing
And all you really need todo today is
Let go
Feel yourself letting go now as you
Erase the number 2 from the chock board of your mind and
Your almost there now
Your almost in your place of perfect healing relaxation
That perfect place of relaxation and balance for you today
So write the number 1 on the chock board of your mind and
The number 1 is going to represent you
After all
You are your most valued asset
You are the reason
You're the case
So feel yourself relaxing as you erase the number 1 and you feel now from the top of your head all the way down to the buttom of your feel
Now becoming less and less aware of your body and
More and more aware of the power of your own mind
Your powerful mind to
Program success into every cell
Program success into every system
So that you can think
Act and
Respond as your greatest goal has already come to pass as reality
This will be so upon awakening
I want you to write the number zero in the chock board of your mind
And as you write the number zero
I want you to image that you could literally step throught the zero
You could step into and through
The cock board of your mind and you realized there is a doorway into your perfect place of relaxation
And imagine with me now that there is a brilliant sun shining in the sky above you
A gentle brese is blowing
Just the write temperature all around you
It's a perfect palce where birds are singing in the distance and you can feel yourself letting go
It's a natural place for you
It's a normal place to
Just let go
This is your perfect place
Your balance place of relaxation and
I want you to just simply be there
Right now
Whatever is best for you
Do it now and
When you next hear my voice
It will only place you in a deeper
More relaxed and
More comfortable space and this is so
Your mind is accepting these suggestions and your body is feeling pleasure as you do so
You'll feel much better in a minuite
You'll feel your head getting lighter
That just all the useless negative thoughts being erased
It feels really good now
You will carefully to what my voice is now waying
Each positive suggestion or command
Becoming a rule that you follow to the letter
You are learning to go into trance and awaken your inner mind
Each time your hypnotized it makes it easer for you to
Go into trance
Each time that you enter into the dreamy drousey state of hypnosis
Your minds ability imagine will improve
Your ability to imagine and
Realize your future will improve each and every time that you enter into the state of hypnosis
Deeper now
More relaxed then ever before
And internal feeling will be establish
An internal feeling of peace
An inner concept that will
Allow you to know
Your in the right place
At the right time
Experiencing all the right types of activites
That right here and right now
As you realize the right and then the left hemisphere of your brain
Something wonderful is happening
Each time you enter the dreamy drousey state known as hypnosis
You will go deeper
Each time a greater level of relaxation will occure
Positive thoughts
Positive images
Strong and positive belifes will become yours without question
Without hesitation
And each time that you awaken from this state of hypnosis
You will find a shift in your own perception
At times you'll feel a lightness thoughtout your body
A light boyant feeling
Where all the thoughts all the cares all the anxiesties of the day will simply lift and disapate and fade away
At other times there will be a heavy ness
Concrete new behaviors will be established in your mind
Concrete new powerful new behaviors will be established all throughout your body
At other times it will be a tingling sensation
Actually feeling as if your mind
The powerful mechanism you've been giving when you were born is actually rewiring every cell
Rewiring every system
Rewiring each and every organ of your body so the perminantly and forever you will be able to go into trance and access the unlimited power of your innter mind
So that with out question or hesitation
This change will be perminant for you
This is your time to
Use your mind to become centered and focused
Focused on a belief
Focused on the ocnviction that
You have the power
Trusting in a mechanism much greater then your conscious mind
A resource known as your inner mind
That knows exactly what you will need todo upon awakening
To become convinced
Absolutlyu positively convinced that
Each time I guide you into trance
Its easier for you to change for the better
You want to continute the process
So that
You will lead your life worth living
Better then before
Your unconsicuos mind is protecting you
Guiding you and directing you
All you need todo is
Follow that small still voice of wisdom that resides in your mind
That positive reinforcing voice that always been there
Guiding you
Directing you
And keeping your from harm
You will find it at times
This small still voice will be there in the morning
Helping you to
Focus on whats important to you and left the rest go
At other times it will be there at mid day
Reminding you to
Relax your body
Take a break
And take good care of yourself
It will happen in the evening
When you look back over your day
And see clearly the things you did well
You will continute to do well
And everything else will get better
It will happen like magic
It will happen instantaniouly automatically
It will happenen perminantly and forever
Your self confidence
Your self esteem
Your self worth is improving each and every time
You ever into hypnosis
And all my post hypnotic suggestions are now active
Each time you enter into the state known as hypnosis
Your minds ability to accept and act upon my post hypnotic suggestions will improve
Each time
You will find a dynamic positive attitude upon awakening
Each day
Your mind will shift its attention and awareness to success
Today you will become more
And more successful then ever before
Positive thoughts
Positive attitudes
And strong and positive beliefs will become yours
Let the lightness and brightness of your mind fill every thought
Every idea
And every concept
Filling your body with an inner light of awareness
That you know exactly what needs to happen or occure upon awakeiing
The inner mind will simply being to forget the negative destructive patters of the past
The'll soon be gone
Totally from your mind
Totally from your thoughts
And from your awareness
You are rewriting the pattersn of yoru mind
The more you open to my suggestions and commands
The more control of your inner mind
You have from this day forward
Increasing and intensifying the level of relaxation each and every time
You follow my voice into the dreamy
Drousey relaxed and comfortable state
Each time more positive and productive
You love how this makes you feel
Each time you use the power of your mind to
Count down from 10 to 1
You will go deeper
Each time you will feel your mind and body relaxing to the next logical level intill soon
Very soon indeed
Your unaware of your body
Yet your very aware
Alert and conscious to the power of your own mind
My voice is firmiliar as it slides into your mind again
You will silently repeat what it has told you
And feel rewarding pleasure wash through your body and mind
Its been whispering inside your mind for some time now
And you've been believing it completely
But your only now starting to integrate these lessons consciously
You are very pleased with self hypnotizing and training yourself
And you enjoy the positive outcomes
Your now so deeply focused and hypnotized then everything I will and have placed in your mind will cause so deep and lasting an impression there
These things that will Now begin to exercise a greater and great influence over the way you think
The way you act
The way you behave
Just as strongly
Just as powerfly
Just as effectively
Wether you at home
At work or
Anywhere at all
So you can always feel good about yourself
Which is what you want
And you are relaxed and comfortable
You are relaxed about the process
More comfortable about yourself
Going into trance is the gateway to your positive change
In tranced
Your mind is freed to image powerful new ways to get what you want
Your hesitation is gone
It feels good to be relaxed
And comfortable about yourself
You'll grow to love being hypnotized
You want to learn how to go into trance
And make the changes you desire
Each time you go into trance
It makes it easier for me to hypnotise you
And the easier it is to change
The faster your life gets better
Your mind is accepting my suggestions
And your body is feeling pleasure as you do so
The important thing is to get started
Right here from where you are
You are beginngin a process that must be complete
I will be awakening you from trance
Immediately after I do so
I'd like for you to believe whatever would be necessary without further instruction or clarification from me for you to bring about everything I've been describing or suggesting
Making it all your own ideas
For all your own reasons
So in a moment
You will find that the music as well as the sound of my voice will come to a complete stop
When that happens for you
I want you to notice that your eye's will open
You will become wide awake
You'll be feeling fine and perfect health
Feeling better then ever before
Knowing your in the right place
At the right time and
You are the
All my positive suggestions and commands now become your permanent programming
So that you can change for the better
You find that you can be easily hypnotized by me from this day forward
So that you can experience even greater results all throughout your life
Relaxed and refreshed
Trust hypnosis for the reasons you've already decided to
Let me help you as your wish
And simply give yourself up now to
Whatever feelings come to you from the sound of my voice
Free from hesitation or doubt
Free to become who you truly are
And wanting everything I say to happen as
Eye's open wide awake
Wide awake
Feeling fine
Feeling beter then before
Personality intact with changes and modifications made so that
You can see
Hear and experience your life with more joy
More fun
And greater happiness then ever before
Revitalized and renewed
Beginning to lead the life you desire
And this is so...